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2018 Summer Tech Camp


Space is limited to 4 students for each session. 


Students must between the ages of 6 to 12, and have completed at least one year in IUSD in order to enroll.


Click here to registration information for Tech Camp


Students will be expected to use their IUSD Google accounts to make the technology applicable to their school work.


Below is a SAMPLE curriculum map for the 3 weeks:


Week 1:  

Students will be given a Pre-Assessment on their typing and hand-writing abilities. 


Students will be working on projects that will strengthen and enhance their fine motor skills to increase their typing speeds.


All students will receive an online typing account to practice their typing at home.  Students are expected to practice for no more than 15 minute.  The free typing account is for the students to keep for as long as they like.


All students will be given a typing cover to keep at home as part of the non-refundable material fee.


Week 2: 

As students conclude the touch typing unit of the curriculum, they will transition into applying their skills to Google Drive or Microsoft Office.


Students will work on individual and collaborative projects during this week.  Some projects will be printed out.  Some projects can be viewed online in their digital portfolio.


Week 3: 

Students will continue to apply their technology skills and take practice SBAC tests.  They will learn how to navigate the test and be given strategies on how to interpret and take the test with confidence.  Knowing is half the battle!


Students will also get a chance to create a quick webpage or work with some fun coding projects as the class concludes.


The last day of class will include a Post-Assessment to see how much improvement the students have made during the 3 weeks. 


Awards and certificates will be given to all students to celebrate their achievements.




Tips for Parents:

Once your child masters touch typing at the summer camp it is important the skills are reinforced at home when the camp ends.  If a child continues to use all 10 fingers to type his or her typing speed will increase by at least 10 WPM each year.  


The reason for the increase is a child's fingers will continue to grow, develop, and get stronger until he or she reaches adulthood.  As long as the touch typing technique is part of the muscle memory your child should be able to type over 80 WPM by the time they are in high school (many type over 100+ WPM).  For the "Digital Natives Generation" typing quickly and effectively is a life skill.

The 4C's are built into the curriculum at the Touch Typing & Tech Camp.  Please foster the 4C's of Education at home as well.  You do not need to create any scenarios at home for the 4C's.  But if you notice a particular moment your child uses a 4C's skill, simply give the child a positive feedback that he or she is using "good communication", "good collaboration", "good creativity", and "excellent critical thinking" skills.  Such reinforcements will help their confidence at home and at school.  This confidence will lead to more grit and perseverance throughout your child's life.

Please understand that the Summer Tech Camp is only a 3-week course.  It is not possible to master everything technology has to offer within such a short time span.  However, technology is always improving and changing.  It is important a child learns to adapt and change with it.  Students who are not afraid of technology and are confident with using new technology will be ahead of the curve.  That is the goal of the Summer Tech Camp: to put your child ahead of the technology curve.

2019 Update: Due to summer travel plans there will be no tech camp starting 2019. 
Only private tutoring is available.
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